Ours is a vibrant parish of families and individuals; hundreds of stewards and 30+ ministries dedicated to faith in action – to being the hands and feet of Christ at work in a fallen world. That’s why the coming year is going to highlight our ministries at work in our parish, in central Ohio, and in the world around us.
Simply put: 2025 is the year of the ministry and a year in which our parish flexes its muscle as one of the largest in the Metropolis of Pittsburgh and throughout the Archdiocese. Our budget for the new year reflects this with support for our ministries, for the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), for International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), and more. Additionally, we continue to supporting hyper-local charities – organizations in the Columbus and surrounding area that assist children, women, and families in need.
It is again time for us to look into our hearts and prayerfully ask “what can I give to God in thanksgiving for all He has given me”? Allow that answer to guide your financial stewardship of His church and in the time and gifts you offer in the coming year.